Track Categories
The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.
Global healthcare is a health care system that supply health care and financial protection to all inhabitants of a country or region. It is systemised around providing a specified package of comforts to all members of a society with the target of providing financial risk protection, enhanced health outcomes and improved access to health services. Although the necessity to make health priorities equitable in delivering health disparities among populations of the world is widely acknowledged, there are presently no specified mechanisms for attaining this goal at the global level.
Primary healthcare is a whole-of-society approach to health and wellbeing that focuses on patients, families and communities needs and desires. It provides lifelong care for the health needs, not just for a set of specific illnesses. Even when adverse economic and political circumstances prevail, the primary healthcare motivation has seen substantial yield in health where applied.
Healthcare has accomplished an explosion of innovations planned to improve life expectancy and standard of life. As healthcare organizations face unrivalled challenges to improve worth, reduce distress, improve ingress, increase effectiveness, abolish dissipate, and lower expense, innovation is becoming a major hub once again. Innovation can be categorized by its impact on collaborators.
Public health focuses on improving the quality of life through blocking and healing of disease, including mental health. Health policy and administration involve leadership which initiate public health through policy-making and management techniques. Healthcare management has huge ultimatum these days as it really helps in administer a hospital or a medical office. Healthcare Management solutions are more than one factor that donates to the increasing stipulation in the healthcare sector. Some of these solutions include enhanced consciousness about Healthcare Management services, health policies and improvement in the demand for world class health care provisions in Hospital management. In a changing world, healthcare management is mandatory to sustain in the industry in providing improved care to patients.
Although the work of experts in healthcare administration occurs clandestinely, their desirability is irrefutable. In fact, healthcare administrators have massive impact on the opportunity, convenience, and standard of healthcare in our nation’s communities. Although healthcare administration is concerned with the professional side of healthcare, it does not decline the hub on providing top level and highly constructive patient care.
A pediatrician is a child's physician who not only provides acute or chronically ill children with medical care, but also provides healthy children with preventive health services. At every stage of development, in both sickness and health, a pediatrician manages the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the children under their care. Neonatology is a pediatric subspecialty consisting of newborn infants ' medical care, particularly the ill or premature newborn. It is a specialty based in hospitals and is usually practiced in intensive neonatal care units (NICUs).
Pervasive healthcare is a system of providing healthcare to a person at anytime at anywhere without any restraints regarding time and place, also with no compromise in the quality of healthcare provided. This goal includes prevention, healthcare prolongation and check-ups, short-term monitoring (home healthcare monitoring), long-term observing (nursing home), and personalized healthcare examination, incidence revelation and management, emergency involvement, transportation and treatment.
Nutrition is fundamental for optimal health and growth. Food plays a major role in both health and disease. The Endocrinology and Nutrition department provides care for patients with endocrine gland diseases, which secrete hormones into the blood flow, as well as metabolism and all aspects relating to nutritional status at all stages of life. The specialisation of endocrinology and nutrition includes the study and treatment of disorders of the endocrine glands, the metabolism and all aspects related to nutritional condition.
Nurses have always bothered for individuals, families and communities in their practice. Recently, there has been a considerable growth in the number of nurses working exterior to the hospital, primarily in community-based settings that focus on individuals and families. In a health-care system in conversion, where currently the standard of service is highlighted, community health nursing represents an occupation that answers to all classification of demands of the people.
Dental Care is the scientific and artistic method of preventing, diagnosing, and treating, diseases, abrasions and malformations of the teeth, jaws and mouth and of restoring lost or missing teeth and associated structures. The mouth assesses a person’s general health and well-being. Sound oral health is an essential aspect of a total health. The most common diseases that affect the human dentition are Caries & Periodontitis.
To infer the theory of nanomedicine, one must have clear image about both medicine and nanotechnology. Nanomedicine is a medicinal approach which deals with the information and tools of nanotechnology to the prevention and treatment of disease. Nanomedicine includes the use of nanoscale materials, like biocompatible nanoparticles and nanorobots, for diagnosis, treatment and sensing purposes in a living organism.
Cardiology is a medical specialty concerned with study and treatment of disorders of the heart and the blood vessels. Cardiology sub-specialties include cardiac electrophysiology, echocardiography, cardiology intervention and nuclear cardiology. A cardiologist specializes in cardiovascular system disease diagnosis and treatment. The cardiologist will perform tests, and some may perform procedures such as heart catheterization, angioplasty, or pacemaker insertion. Heart disease is specific to the heart, while cardiovascular disease affects the heart, the vessels of the blood, or both.
Women suffer from various health issues throughout the world. They face numerous health problems associated with feminine organ. Menstruation affects what many girls feel. This is often referred to as PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome). During this period women must have regular exercise and balanced diet. women may experience various health issues during pregnancy. Before and during pregnancy, it is important to have special health care, or prenatal care. Some cancers that mainly affect Women are breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer. to avoid these diseases women must have regular body check-ups.
Pregnancy could be an amount or time throughout that one or a lot of offspring are made within a woman. prenatal care is that the health care practise for ladies, pampered at the time of physiological condition. It includes check-ups and prenatal testing. Appropriate date permits observance of baby’s growth and progress of physiological condition. Prenatal care is recognized as a key population-wide public health intervention to stop adverse physiological condition outcomes. Acceptable prenatal screening and direction are important for pregnant women with a history of infertility; these women are largely older than average pregnant women, have a higher range of chronic conditions, and are in danger for spontaneous pregnancy loss and body abnormalities.
A clear distinguish is often made between 'mind' and 'body'. But the two should not be thought of as separate, when considering both mental health and physical health. Poor physical health may result in increased risk of mental health problems. Similarly, poor mental health may adversely affect physical health, resulting in increased risk of certain conditions. Physical activity in any form is a great way to keep you and your mental well-being physically healthy. Our emotional, psychological and social well-being includes mental health. At every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood, mental health is important.
Need for public relations personnel is growing at a swift pace. The categories of customers that PR folks labour for comprise the government, hospices, edifying foundations, non-profit administrations, trades, establishment, sporty teams, entertaining corporations, and even country. Public relations and publicity are not the equivalent, but many PR operations include necessities for publicity. Publicity is the distribution of data to increase public alertness for an invention, individual, provision, source or association, and can be seen as an outcome of actual PR planning. More recently in public relations, experts are using technology as their main tool to get their messages to target spectators.
An infection can be defined as a condition in which microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites live and reproduce in the host tissue. In many instances symptoms are not noticeable. There are important public health issues in the inhibition and control of infection, including the common health and nutritional status of the public, and their living conditions, such as accommodation, water and sanitation facilities. These influence the extent of communicable disease within the community, that successively affects the extent of infection of these each in and outdoors of hospitals, therefore moving the burden on attention facilities. The impact of chronic conditions has been heedless by society and by health systems in terms of its severe social and economic effects on populations. Chronic diseases measure the foremost causes of cognitive state and impermanence across the world in developed and developing countries, and in countries passage from former socialist standing. Some of the chronic disease found throughout the world are cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus.
Epidemiology is the study of the issuance and certainty of health-related states or occurrence in specified populations, and the requisition of this study to the control of health problems. It is the basic analysis of observation on valid comparison groups to assess the number of cases of disease in an area at a certain period or the rate of exposure to disease among persons. Control of diseases has become an important case worldwide because of the occurrence and re-occurrence of new infections.
Healthcare is a whole-of-society approach to health and well-being focused on the requirements and desires of individuals, families and communities. Patient safety practices scale back the chance of adverse events associated with exposure to treatment across a variety of diagnoses or conditions. several patient safety practices, like use of simulators, bar coding, processed physicians order entry, and crew resource management, are thought of as attainable methods to avoid patient safety errors and improve health care processes; analysis has been exploring these areas, however their remains unnumbered opportunities for any analysis.
Alternative medicine in healthcare is a healing practice that is not related to any of the scientific treatment methods. It consists of a wide range of healthcare practices, natural products and therapies, ranging from natural herbs to the modified by products extract. It includes various new traditional medicine practices such as chiropractic, homeopathy, energy medicine, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, naturopathy, Ayurvedic medicine. Preventive healthcare medicine is practiced by all physicians to keep their patients healthy. It focuses on the health of people, communities, and defined populations. Its goal is to protect, promote, and maintain health and to prevent disease, disability, and death.
Healthcare biotechnology refers to a medical or diagnostic drug or vaccine that consists of living organisms or has been produced in them and can be produced using recombinant technology (recombinant DNA is a type of DNA that does not exist naturally. Biotechnology offers patients a variety of new solutions such as: unique, targeted and personalized therapeutic and diagnostic solutions for specific diseases or diseases, Unlimited quantities of potentially safer products, Superior therapeutic and diagnostic approaches, Higher clinical efficacy due to the known biological basis of the disease, Development of immunity vaccines, Treatment of diseases, Cultured Stem Cells and Bone Marrow Transplantation, Skin related ailments and use of cultured cell, Genetic Counselling, Forensic Medicine, Gene Probes, Genetic Fingerprinting, Karyotyping.